I Listen. I Care. I Empower.

Dr. Anitha Vasudevan is a practicing Psychiatrist in Bangalore with more than 25 years of experience in this field. She has obtained her post graduate qualifications in Psychiatry from NIMHANS, Bangalore, and KEM Hospital Mumbai. She graduated from Government Medical College, Calicut University, Kerala. She has also completed a certificate course in Child Psychiatry from NIMHANS.

Her core skills include accurately diagnosing and managing the full spectrum of psychiatric conditions. She has excellent counselling skills and an empathetic attitude.

Apart from managing adults with psychiatric problems, she takes a special interest in looking into and managing child psychiatric conditions, counselling children and parents.

In the past 25 years, she has worked in different parts of India, in corporate hospitals, taught in medical colleges, undertaken research projects, participated in TV shows, radio programs and public events. Most recently, she worked with the National Health Service (NHS), UK as a Psychiatrist.

She is able to communicate fluently in Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi and English and can manage in Tamil.

Doctor Registration#: 88475, Karnataka Medical Council, 2010